One Sunday per month, a lot of people come to Leroy Merlin to learn how to build, fix, create, paint or decorate. For free! Nice, right? But those same Sundays, by the end of the day, everything that have been built is just thrown away. Stupid. Right?

While a lot of social ONGs are struggling to raise money and people to facelift their basement, we had this idea, as simple as legit, to move Leroy Merlin DIY lessons from flagships to social basements.


Agency: Publicis Milan - Italy
Global Chief Creative Officer: Bruno Bertelli
Chief Creative Officer: Cristiana Boccassini
Creative director: Davide Boscacci
Associate Creative Directors: Livio Gerosa & Paolo Bartalucci
Art Director: Alice Teruzzi
Copywriter: Sebastien Rouvière, Francesca Feraccini, Corentin Salignat